Our Services
In the production workshop, we manufacture building structures from wood or panels, insulation material - polystyrene foam. We use SIP panels to install the base, external wall and roof structures of your chosen building. I-joist are used for strengthening important structural areas, overlys, roof and lintels. We manufacture and equip various sizes and various architectures residential houses or buildings of other purpose - warm annexes of production, service, trade or recreation buildings, reconstruction or construction objects. More info...
We install the designed and manufactured buildings on the construction site. We manufacture and equip various sizes and various architecture residential houses or buildings of other purpose - warm annexes of production, service, trade or recreation buildings, reconstruction or construction objects. Experienced construction specialists install or advise the builder on assembly or assembly issues. More info...
Our own patented construction technology allows us to prepare the construction project, to manufacture the structures in our workshop and to assemble various buildings on the construction site ourselves. We give priority to sustainable, ecological, economical and rational solutions. In this era of energetic and ecological challenges, it is very important to choose the right aesthetic and material means of realizing the philosophy of life. As we call out to the environment around us, we can expect a un/pleasant response. More info...


Optimal wall or optimal partition - only as much as needed:

  1. Construction - the main three parts are manufactured in the workshop, i.e. structural insulated panels (SIP - structural insulated panel), I-joist and connectors. By connecting them together with nails, screws or wood screws, sealing with mounting foam, a frame-shell structure is obtained. The connection system is suitable for all types of buildings.
  2. Various architecture and high energy efficiency buildings can be constructed using only three parts. There are no thermal bridges. One, two and more (requires additional supporting structure solutions) floors. The 3.0x0.6 m SIP panel corresponds to the strength modulus of the frame skeleton.
  3. Blocks assembled from such details can be used for floors, walls, ceilings and roofs for the construction of residential, commercial or individual buildings.
  4. The weight of the heaviest part is about 65 kg (140 lb), so it can be constructed without the use of mechanisms. Easy to transport.
  5. The panels are standard and universal, so there is no need for a specific project – it’s been manufactured continuously to store them in the warehouse.
  1. The traditional project can be converted by adapting to the structural module, reducing the number of individual parts.
  2. The shell construction guarantees the spatial stability of the building, it is tight, light, warm (A++, passive) prefabricated. There’s no concentrated loads, no need for traditional foundations. Universal parts are suitable for the bottom, walls, and roof. There can be an integrated framework or a supporting skeleton separately, dressed in a "coat" of our panels. The only decoration remains.
  3. The materials selected for the panels are stable, durable and ecological. Currently used:
    • Fibrolite panel GreenBoard; No emissions of harmful substances; Wood wool 60/portland cement 40/sodium silicate, otherwise glass water 0.0...; three pluses - non-flammable (B-s1, d0)/inert/ water resistant.
    • Polystyrene foam EPS100N; thermal conductivity λ: 0.03 W/mK; avg. bending strength ≥150 kPa; low energy production.
    • Calibrated construction timber.
  4. It is necessary to prepare the site of compacted soil/gravel and bring the pipes of engineering networks.
About us

The center of space perception is our brain. They fit in boxes of the same size, but differ in the degree of perception. One box is suitable for wearing a crown, and from others, the hat falls off. The soldiers of the brain - our senses - allow us to dissolve into the harmony of the environment.

We will help you enjoy the space of the kings, it will change your universe. Tell us about your dreams and together we will find a way to make them come true. Architectural style - traditional or individual? What is modern for one is archaic for another. Third, archaic is modern. An endlessly interesting discussion. Architecture is the most expensive art. Experimenting or defying boundaries, following the wildness of imagination or observing others - these are very rare opportunities. How to measure spending limits. Simply, every decision has its price. Architecture is also the art of compromises. So what is more important to you? What are you willing to pay for?

The construction system of the shell structure building is ecological; non-flammable; integrated frame; unified details; waterproof; ventilated construction; no thermal bridges; diverse architecture; complete building structure.

Spatial rigidity of the shell structure is obtained thanks to the interaction of the integrated frame, fibrolite boards and polystyrene foam. High energy efficiency is ensured by a tight outer insulation layer without thermal bridges. Polystyrene is glued with adhesive, the gaps are filled with sealant. Light parts - two people, without lifting mechanisms, can quickly assemble the building. Unified details allow you to create a variety of individual architecture.


Dibas UAB
Artojo g. 7E
LT-92105 Klaipeda
E-mail: info@dibas.lt
Ph. number: +370 671 27146